The Ultimate Queso Semiduro Zuliano Recipe by Illustrato Design

Are you a cheese lover looking to expand your culinary horizons? Look no further! Illustrato Design presents the best Queso Semiduro Zuliano recipe that will tantalize your taste buds and impress your guests. This delectable cheese hails from the rich culinary heritage of Zulia, Venezuela, and will add a burst of flavor to your dishes.


  • 2 liters of pasteurized cow's milk
  • 1/4 teaspoon of calcium chloride
  • 1/2 teaspoon of mesophilic starter culture
  • 1/4 teaspoon of liquid rennet
  • Salt to taste


1. Heating the Milk

Start by heating the cow's milk in a large pot over medium heat. Use a thermometer to monitor the temperature, and heat the milk to around 90°F.

2. Adding Ingredients

Once the milk reaches the desired temperature, remove it from the heat. Stir in the calcium chloride and mesophilic starter culture until fully dissolved. Let the mixture sit for about 60 minutes to allow the culture to develop.

3. Coagulation

After the resting period, add the liquid rennet to the milk and gently stir for a few seconds. Cover the pot and let it sit undisturbed for 30-40 minutes until a firm curd forms.

4. Cutting the CurdOnce the curd has set, carefully cut it into small cubes using a long knife. Make sure to cut all the way through the curd to release the whey.

5. Cooking the Curds

Gradually increase the heat under the pot while stirring the curds gently. Heat the curds to 110°F over the next 30 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent them from matting together.

6. Draining and Pressing

Transfer the curds to a cheesecloth-lined mold and let the whey drain off. Press the curds with a weight for 4-6 hours until they form a cohesive mass.

7. Salting and Aging

Remove the cheese from the mold and sprinkle salt over the surface. Allow the cheese to air dry for a day before moving it to the refrigerator for 2-4 weeks to age and develop its flavor.

Congratulations! You've successfully created your own Queso Semiduro Zuliano. Slice it, grate it, or enjoy it on a cheese platter to savor the unique taste of Zulia. Serve it with crackers, fruits, or pair it with a glass of your favorite wine for a truly delightful experience.

Experience the richness of Venezuelan cuisine with this authentic Queso Semiduro Zuliano recipe brought to you by Illustrato Design. Elevate your cooking repertoire and impress your loved ones with this homemade cheese masterpiece. Happy cooking!
